Youtube comments not showing - Vip YT

Youtube comments not showing

The glitch where YouTube comments just aren’t showing and you cannot take part in a discussion under a video is a common situation — more and more people daily talk about it on various side forums and say that they have no idea how to fix it.

However, there are several reasons why commentaries on YT aren’t showing up anymore, and we’re going to tell you why. First of all, we’d like to straight forward mention that there is no difference what you’re using to surf YouTube.

Let it be an official app on your Apple iPad or Android tablet or mobile phone, let it be Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and its Google+ or even your TV through Wi-Fi, there are only 3 fixable problems that can lead to YT commentaries not showing. All the other ones don’t have a standard way to solve them. 

So, if your question is “why can’t I see my YouTube commentaries? These were on top of the section and now I just cannot find them there?” the answer is: you’re probably logged out.

In YT you’re able to see your own commentaries on top only if you’re logged into the system — for convenience, YouTube brings all the comments of the user up and shows them to them, so the user could easily find what they have said and track if anybody gave any feedback to it.

Fix Youtube comments - Vip YT

If you’re not able to see full commentaries and the whole commentaries or live chat section seems pretty glitchy to you, the case is that you need to restart the app or restart the browser.

Plus, if it didn’t help, you might need to clear the cache of your device and even restart the whole device. But sometimes even these actions remain useless; and in this case all you’re left to do is contact the technical support group and tell them about your difficulties. 

If you have posted a link or something that might violate YouTube’s guidelines, your commentary might be not visible because it might be held for review and might not even get posted in result.

YouTube takes links as dangerous content and it is most likely that it won’t let them be posted in the commentaries section. It frequently bans notes with a single word in them, as they seem too bot-like.

Public might like what you’ve been trying to show them, but YT algorithms just don’t care — these will hide what you’ve been trying to put out there. You won’t be able to see them in the commentaries’ history as well. 

YouTube video comments not showing

But what if your problem is that you cannot see enough commentaries under a particular video that you have posted recently? It’s good, interesting and you’re sure that it deserves attention, but there are just no people who would like to say a word about it.

What can you do to make YouTube show this video to people and offer it to them to view? It is easy: you need to make YT think that your video is already interesting and appealing to other people. How? Buy YouTube comments

You can purchase as many as you think you need, but try to do it proportionally to your channel’s size. You need real, long comments on the topic — the kind that only real people can leave. If you fail and a hundred ridiculous commentaries written by bots fall under your video, nothing good will come of it.

Therefore, try to make sure that you are buying a good service. To do this, read the reviews of previous buyers of the company and maybe even consult with their manager (they should be waiting for you online, in a chat on the company’s website).

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