Youtube comments not loading - Vip YT

Youtube comments not loading

Sometimes, YouTube comments section just won’t load — it doesn’t matter if you’re using Chrome, Firefox or Safari, if you’re using your phone, let it be Android or iPhone, or Windows on PC, the bugs might happen no matter what.

So why is this happening and could it be the fault of adblock or any other extension or side app that you’re using? Probably not. In general, if the commentaries don’t load on YT, it is the fault of the device that’s used to view the videos, or the fault of the browser or the YouTube app itself.

Youtube comments not loading - Vip YT

What can you do to keep on watching your playlists and streams and load all the commentaries? Well, to properly download everything, you should restart the app or clear the cache of the browser. Basically, after you do it, the problems are usually solved and the commentaries section is available again.

It happens that you’d need to reload the whole device, but if the restart of the app didn’t help, try this. If it didn’t help as well, contact the technical support group. But it is better to wait a little bit before that, as YouTube might be simply having some updates done to its system. 

Sometimes it is all about certain commentaries, most often people cannot understand why they cannot see “my commentaries”. Well, there is a nuance — if you cannot see your note at the top of the comments section just like you did before, it is perhaps because… you have logged out.

Yes, while you’re in your account, you’re going to see all of your commentaries at the top of the section for better convenience, but when you’re logging out, your commentaries are removed from your eyes in the middle of the commentary section, they are put where they have to be chronologically.

Sort comments - Vip YT

The main advice is don’t panic and wait a little bit. Bugs like this usually cannot be explained, many people deal with problems like this for years and still don’t know why their YouTube app does something like this.

If your main worry is that you cannot see the commentaries under the posts, well, maybe it is because you don’t have them yet?

Newcomers cannot believe that their content hasn’t yet gathered any reactions, but this is very likely — YT has very naughty algorithms that won’t recommend your videos to anyone unless they see that someone has already had interest in them.

What do you do in situations like this? You can buy YouTube comments to make your channel look more appealing than it was before.

How does it work? A simple psychological trick: when people see that someone has already liked some content, the probability that they will also want to evaluate it becomes much higher.

That’s why people care so much about the number of likes and commentaries on social networks — this is a direct sign that their content is worth evaluating and viewing, and this attracts new users to become their subscribers.

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