Youtube comments formatting - Vip YT

Youtube comments formatting

Sometimes YouTube comments are just not formatting correctly: links are fragmented or inactive at all, styles aren’t what you’ve thought they are going to be and you cannot add a picture in the comment as well. What do you do with it and why is it happening on YouTube in general? 

YouTube is still just a social media that has lots of unexplainable bugs that just happen over time — when the algorithm is updating, when the data is too big to quickly process, etc.

The main rule is: if it’s happening for several hours, don’t panic. If it happens for several days, call for help from the tech support group.

Formating comments - Vip YT

The problem with the style of the text is usually fixable by finding the right symbols to put into the comment for the video. Sometimes people mistake one style with another and get not what they wanted, but fortunately for them, you can edit comments in YouTube now.

So no need to worry: if you got something wrong, you can always correct it or delete the comment and create a new one. 

But if you’re bothered that you’re getting too many wrongly formatted comments, it might be happening because you’ve bought some commentaries for your channel and now they are coming to you from an indecent company that uses bots to operate the needs of its clients.

This is not good and you should stop that delivery; buy YouTube comments only from the companies that work with real people who are helping their clients to become more popular on social media for a nice reward.

Not displayed comment - Vip YT

Combine a service like this with serious work on your content’s quality and interaction with the audience, and you’re going to see bomb results coming at you in no time!

If you have some doubts with what exactly you should purchase from a promo company, you can always consult with their manager in the chat on their website, or hit a support group with an email. If the company is reliable enough, they will answer you asap. 


How to cancel formatting on YouTube comments?

If you don’t want to format the text in any way and want it to be written in a normal style, just type in the text and don’t add any symbols around it. The text is going to appear as normal. 

How to format text in YouTube comments?

To change the style of the letters you can add different symbols around the text: *, -, _ and other ones to make the text bold, italicized or strikethrough.

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