Youtube comments unavailable - Vip YT

Youtube comments unavailable

If you were busy promoting your YT channel and have suddenly noticed that the comments are currently unavailable to you, don’t worry. There are several reasons why this could happen and almost all of them are fixable.

However, if the Youtube comments are unavailable on your own videos, this is another problem: most likely, you have set certain limitations: for example, the commentaries section is not available when the video is marked as made for kids or when it’s private.

But the settings can be changed if you will. The real question is: why might your commentaries be unavailable on other people’s pages? Or why can’t you see the comments sections in general?

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The first answer is: censorship. You might have willingly or accidentally posted something that YT counts as inappropriate or spam-like. Eg people often don’t understand why Youtube has blocked their commentary that consists of a single word.

Well, my friend, that looks like something that a bot could have written on a thousand of pages: and Youtube techs just don’t have time to figure out whether you’re real or not. 

The second reason is: you have posted a link. This is also a no-no on Youtube; who knows what resource this link leads to? Once again, it is way easier to hold and then block the commentary that includes something suspicious.

Nobody’s going to figure out what exactly you wanted to show to people; the only exception for this would be the links to the timecode of the video. That’s allowed!

The next reason is: you have violated the community’s guidelines. Your comment could have been obscene to someone in the section, and they might have reported you. Maybe, it wasn’t just one person…

Revisit your comments history to figure out whether you have done anything wrong; if not, then you should immediately contact the technical support group.

Commenting publicly - Vip YT

Well, we’re out of reasons that are confirmed for sure: further lies the field of assumptions. We have to say that Youtube is still a pretty glitchy system (just like any other social media website, to be honest) and some people have been reporting not seeing comments sections from any devices during months and sometimes years.

We don’t know why this could happen: the only decision is to contact the support group and hope for their soon answer. 

But if you need some kind of solution right now, as you’re trying to develop your Youtube channel and you’re in desperate need of commentaries, you can apply for help from a paid third party service and buy Youtube comments.

Yes, it’s not that fair, but… who cares, if it really works? Fake it till you make it as they say; you can take on as many commentaries as you need, just make sure that you’re buying quality ones.

Spam is not your story, you don’t need that on your channel; make sure that all of the commentaries are going to come from real people and are going to be strictly on topic. Otherwise, look for another, more trustworthy resource to cooperate with. 


Why are Youtube comments unavailable only on my account?

The only reason is your account being banned because you have violated the community guidelines. You must have got the warning, it is easiest to find in your mail, that’s connected to the channel. Or it might be just a glitch; if you have done nothing wrong, contact the tech support immediately.

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