Youtube comments missing - Vip YT

Youtube comments missing

We all have seen this Youtube missing comments glitch in one way or another — it’s hard to say whether it was better some time ago or if it was worse, but there are still parts of the comments section that are missing due to unknown reasons and then there are also top commentaries that suddenly get deleted.

We’re here to give you a possible explanation of this fact and warn you about what you shouldn’t do to have commentaries missing from your own old and new YT videos. 

Let’s start with the obvious: if all of your YT commentaries are gone, there is probably something wrong with your account.

You might have posted something inappropriate or something that heavily violates the guidelines of the community — you might have done it in a comment or in a video or text post of yours. In any case, this is a good reason to check your own comments history and, if nothing wrong can be found, contact the technical support group.

We must pay tribute to Youtube tech support, as they process the applications for help way quicker than FB and Insta groups do.

Notification on Youtube - Vip YT

Moving forward: if you have noticed that your commentaries have disappeared after you have logged out of the app, they actually haven’t. The truth is while you’re in your profile, all of the commentaries that you have written are going to be displayed at the top of each video’s comments section.

It is done for your own comfort. But when you’re logged out, you’re not going to see your commentaries on top and you may mistakenly think that your comments were deleted. To find them you should look through the comments feed and there your commentaries are going to be, laying where you’ve left them in chronological order. 

If you’re worried that your commentaries are getting deleted or removed and you desperately need to communicate with people on your own page to gain more activity and more commentaries coming in return, there’s a simpler way to get what you desire.

You can buy Youtube comments for your page and see how the positive changes in your statistics will come shortly.

Publisher comments - Vip YT

The only thing you will need to make sure of is that you are buying comments from real people. They should not contain strange and suspicious links, should not consist of a single word and should not be repeated from one account to another.

If you decide to make such a purchase, also make sure that you are buying enough, but not too much — a sharp influx of comments may also cause some suspicions on the part of technical support.


Why are some comments missing on Youtube?

If you noticed that some commentaries disappeared from the comments section on Youtube, this could happen for several reasons. Firstly, the comment could contain a dangerous link; secondly, the comment could be too similar to spam; and thirdly, the commentary could contain offensive content or violate the laws of the community in some other way.

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