Translate Youtube comments - Vip YT

Translate Youtube comments

Comments are a very important part of the online culture — on YouTube people tend to comment even more often than on other social media sites. Why?

Video content is one of the most interactive ones, and it calls for people’s emotions very well. If you want to make people speak from their heart, create a video that engages the audience and you’re going to get thousands of comments in several days.

Translate comments - Vip YT

But sometimes communication gets hard: popular videos get attention from people all around the world, and one page on YouTube can become a place of discussion for many different commentators from very different countries.

That’s why you should know that there is a possibility to Google translate and auto translate the commentaries — no matter if you’re using your Android, your mac or PC or an iPhone for that; each one of them has the option to make the text of the note understandable to you. 

How to translate YouTube comments

For example, you want to translate the comment to English, as this is your mother tongue. An app itself doesn’t give a chance to translate, but if you’re using a web-version and watching through a browser, you’re able to use the inbuilt option and translate the whole page — and all the commentaries on it as well.

It is convenient and saves a lot of time that you could spend on installing the extension that would offer your precise translation of certain words and sentences. Though this is a nice option as well. 

As we have said, YouTube itself doesn’t give a chance to translate the commentary or the description of the video (as it is possible on Instagram and on some other social media), but you can find a workaround that would be convenient for you.

Don’t hesitate to experiment with things — especially, if you need to hold the connection with your audience. For example, you’re willing to answer some commentaries that you got, but you cannot do that quickly because these are written in another language.

You can either use a hack that we’ve told you about in the previous paragraph or even use the translator (a website or an app). Google Translate does work pretty well, actually.

Arab comments translate - Vip YT

But what if your primary aim is to provoke people and make them want to start a discussion? Usually, first comments on the videos help to engage other people into the talk; but what if you have not so many of them?

Thanks to today’s progress, there are companies that offer you to buy YouTube comments and make your life easier: you don’t have to wait for first notes to appear under your videos. Now you can regulate what happens on your page yourself and speed the process up a lot.

And that’s great! You only have to make sure that you’re purchasing adequately written real commentaries that will make other people believe that you have already reached great results. 


Why can’t you translate comments on YouTube?

Unfortunately, you cannot translate the comment on YouTube using the inbuilt function because there is none, but you can scroll through commentaries using the browser that’s going to give you its built in options to translate anything on the downloaded page.

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